Organising Together Across Difference in my Institution: How to Build a Weaving Trust
A 25 hour module designed for individuals to strengthen their capacity to work across difference in our organisations.
Course Curriculum
Section 1: Introducing Organising Together across Difference
Available in
after you enroll
StartAbout the Organising Together across Difference module
StartOverview of the Course
StartConsent form
StartPre-Course Survey - Organising across Difference
StartVideo Introduction to the Organising Together across Difference module by Amanda Tattersall
StartReading and Reflection on Sameness and Difference
StartMeeting a buddy - reflecting on these ideas and having a relational meeting
StartThink about a team for doing work in your institution/chapter
Section 2: Our Institutions and Sameness and Difference
Available in
after you enroll
Section 3: Weaving Trust
Available in
after you enroll